Caregiver Leadership

Leadership developer in front of live audience.

Investing in caregiver leadership development is an investment in your mission, vision, and team.

The call to leadership is an honor and privilege. The challenge and hope for success should be invigorating and fulfilling. However, an inadequately equipped leader can become a personal and organizational disaster.

Our organizational guidance and consultation provide insights for action relevant to your culture, environment, and existing resources.

We provide individual and group leadership development.

Caregiver Leadership skill development is an investment in yourself and your team. Equipping leaders with skills and tools can overcome much of the self-doubt, anxiety, and loneliness along the leadership journey. A trained and experienced partner on your journey can ease the bumps and help you thrive.

A trusted partner creates a safe space to explore your challenges and strengths. This partnership builds on your gifts and expertise to advance your personal mission.

For Leaders:

Our coaching, webinars, and consulting address:

For Leadership Teams:

Some topics are best addressed in groups, where interaction is a force multiplier:

Hands in a circle denoting leadership

Let’s Talk

From individual private coaching to large group instruction, Schumm Associates can design a program to fit your specialized needs.

Contact Us
Dr. Herb Schumm leading a live seminar.
Dr. Schumm’s leadership influences all to follow because of his integrity, empathy, and genuine compassion. He is a difference maker in the lives of all those who know him.

Presentation Formats

Schumm Associates will create presentations and schedules to fit your specific needs. From individual coaching to large-group presentations, in-person, virtual, or both, we will create a custom package of services for you.

Icon of two people in a face-to-face conversation.
Icon of a small group or team.
Icon of two people in an online conversation.
Icon of multiple people in an online conversation.
Icon of a person leading a live seminar or webinar.
Icon of a person leading an online seminar or webinar.

Schumm Associates Service Offerings

The list of topics and issues we can address is nearly endless, but our primary offerings fall into the following categories:


This complimentary, no-commitment session helps you learn how coaching will meet your goals as an individual or team leader.


Individual, personal, co-active coaching provides sessions at your convenience and your pace.

You choose the focus areas and frequency of sessions.

Emerging and Advanced Leader Coaching

This specialized track focuses on the challenges of individuals who are early in their professional leadership journey.

We can assist leaders who are transitioning to a new role which requires leading others.


Leaders and organizations use team coaching to bring people together for a common goal.

We can design a program or package around your specific needs.

We can mix and match topics and formats to suit your specific needs.

Let’s Talk