Schumm Associates.
We help people
who help people.

We provide professional, compassionate coaching services for individuals and organizations who serve others, so that they can achieve their mission.

Our focus is on professionals in helping and ministry professions.

Physical caregiver, physician, or clinician holding hands of patient.


Healthcare is a tough profession that has gotten tougher. With his three decades in clinical practice and executive leadership, Herb Schumm understands your fears, fatigue, and challenges.
Coaching by Schumm Associates is a great opportunity for a safe conversation exploring your world and your solutions.
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Spiritual caregiver, chaplain, Pastor, or Priest with hands on Bible.

Spiritual Caregivers

“Lonely at the top” does not begin to describe the toll ministry can take. Herb Schumm’s passion for faith-based professionals health will support you and your growth.
Schumm Associates provides safe space to think and renew vision can open your thinking and relieve your stress.
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Leadership developer in front of live audience.

Caregiver Leadership

Let Schumm Associates meet you where you are and share decades of leadership experience and learning with you and your team. Investing in leadership development is an investment in your mission, vision, and team.
We provide individual and group leadership development.
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“Herb Schumm does an excellent job of listening to what you have to say, and then helping you process through what you meant. It brings a clarity which is otherwise lacking."
“When I first took my role in leadership, I suffered from imposter syndrome. Working with Dr Schumm, I’ve been provided with direction as I clarify the limitations I’ve set on myself, tools to break through the obstacles holding me back and the confidence and skills to grow professionally and personally.”
”By having a life coach, I’ve discovered strengths and ability, I didn’t know I had and I’ve ultimately become a more effective leader because of it. I would highly recommend Herb Schumm for anyone looking to live their most authentic lives.”